Monday, March 30, 2009

A Prayer

Father God,

Help me to live intentionally, particularly when it comes to what I read, watch, and listen to on a consistent basis. Guide me to allow into my soul only those words, sounds, and images that support who you want me to become. Reveal to me the role I must play in guarding the door of my heart. Keep me from becoming careless about the inputs of each day and the effect my environment has on my potential. Because I soak up my surroundings, show me if I have any current exposures that are not pleasing to you, and lead me to make changes so I can experience your presence in a deeper and fuller way.

Inspire me, hour by hour, to fill my mind with everything good. Remind me that everything counts, and that what I sow, I sooner or later will certainly reap.

In Jesus' name,


I wish I could say that I was eloquent enough with words to have come up with this prayer, but I did not. It comes from "The 4:8 Principle" written by Tommy Newberry. I hope to make this prayer one of many daily submissions to Jesus, and I hope I can make those changes to experience His presence in a deeper and fuller way.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today I kinda formulated somewhat of a strategy/something to chew on.

"Let the Lord transform your mind so you live for HIS glory."

WAY too often I find myself living for my glory and trying to force the world to revolve around me when everything was designed to revolve around God. Of course, it's human nature...this is where God comes in to save the day (and my mind).

My prayer is that He will infiltrate my every thought, which will influence my actions and ultimately refine my personal character.